HCC Newsletter, June 2022

Macro pictures by Karen McMahon

Housatonic Camera Club Representatives

President: Dawn Dingee

Vice-President: Heidi Hoeller

Treasurer: Dawn Dingee
Membership/Dues: Dawn Dingee

Publicity: Jeff Breitman
Special Events Coordinator: Jeff Breitman
Program Director: Jeff Breitman

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality:Karen Consolago

Secretary:We are still looking for one

Competitions:Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Lazlo Gyorsok
Bill Devoti

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman
jrossman222@gmail.com -NECCC Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:

Jeff and Lazlo presenting the check to the HCC scholarship receipient, Husnain Ahmed at the Housatonic High School

Our best scoring pictures from the latest PSA Travel competition.

El Capitan by Dawn Dingee

Norwegian Rainbow by Ian Peters

President's Message by Dawn Dingee

As we wrap up another season, I look back at this past 2 years and marvel at the way we have been able to adapt to the changing world due to the pandemic. Just a few years ago, it would be hard to imagine we could keep the club going – with such enthusiasm from many of our members and even signing up new members – without having regular in-person meetings. But somehow, we have found a way to keep our club moving forward using Zoom, guest speakers and the occasional in-person meeting with the necessary precautions to keep each other safe. I can assure you that the HCC Committee strives to keep the club going while trying to satisfy the needs and wants of our members who don’t always agree amongst each other. We can’t keep everyone happy but we do our best. We have tried to make responsible decisions about in-person meetings, vaccinations, social distancing, etc. I hope you can appreciate the challenges that photo club organizers have faced. There is no guidebook on the acceptable approach to the pandemic so we have done our best to be responsible. Speaking for the committee, we appreciate your trust and understanding during these challenging times.

On a related note, to wrap up our season, we will have an outside picnic where people can breathe in the fresh air and practice social distancing if they’d like. It will be similar to last year’s picnic. We will send out more details as we have them and look forward to seeing you in person before the summer break!

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2021-2022 season has almost ended

We went through some hard times in 2020-2022 but hope that the new season will be much kinder to us. Support you club and your newsletter with active participation because we cannot survive without that.

There are several committee positions open such as Salon Committee. If interested in any of these positions, please let Dawn or Lazlo know

Check out

the videos of our previous meetings

The Housatonic Camera Club show at the Housatonic Highschool library is finished

Get in touch with Lazlo about picking up your pictures.

The Housatonic Camera Club Landscape Book

is finished. Thank you Jeff Breitman for your hard work on the project, selecting the pictures, putting it altogether, arranging the printing, etc.

Get in touch with Jeff if you want a copy of the book.

Assigned Topic ( no more than 5 pictures/members )

We are going to take a break for the Summer

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Oh Dandelion by G.A.Mudge

A Tribute to Brad Smith by Dawn Dingee

Photo by Richard Wanderman

Earlier this month, we lost another former HCC member – Brad Smith. Brad passed away at his home on May 5, 2022 with his wife Karin at his side. Brad and Karin were members of the HCC for many years. Brad was a fine art photographer and painter, whose work was exhibited throughout Connecticut and beyond. Brad was born in Kent, CT and grew up in his father’s studio. After graduating from Yale University School of Fine Art, he was awarded a teaching fellowship and worked in classes with Neil Welliver. While at Yale, he had the privilege of studying photography under Herbert Matter, Museum of Fine Art NYC, spanning 2 years. As a member of the Housatonic Camera Club, Brad along with his wife Karin were instrumental in arranging for a HCC Salon Show at the Kent White Silo Farm Winery. They actively participated in the club for many years.
A few of Brad’s photos:

Pictures from Georgia by Jeff Breitman

R oad Trip to the Jekyll Island A BARRIER Island Off of SOUTHERN GEORGIA by Jeff Breitman.

We drove down to Georgia to Jekyll Island and spent 2 weeks exploring the beaches, jungles and nearby towns.


A few pictures from the "People" assignment. Click on any one of the pictures to see them in full size.


2 for Shoneys by Jeff Breitman

Tim Prentice by Lazlo Gyorsok

People #2 by Bert Scmitz

Two wild animals loose by Ian Peters

Reflection by Karen McMahon

The bite by Nancy Zannini

En route to find Storm Petrels #2 by Ian Peters

Two wild animals running away by Ian Peters

People #2 by Mary Jean Winkler

Civil War reenactor by Lazlo Gyorsok

People #1 by Mary Jean Winkler

Pandora's box by Karen McMahon

En route to find Storm Petrels by Ian Peters

Brad Smith by Lazlo Gyorsok

Niagara Lake by Steve Goldberg

From the bridge by Steve Goldberg

William Throwbridge by Lazlo Gyorsok

People #3 by Bert Scmitz

Mom by Heidi Hoeller

People #1 by Bert Scmitz

Big Mac by Jeff Breitman

People #5 by Mary Jean Winkler

Iphone camera genius by G.A. Mudge

Lake Manze Lion by Ian Peters

Subway by Steve Goldberg

Game Over by G.A. Mudge

Among the flowers by Karen McMahon

People #3 by Mary Jean Winkler

A summer day by Karen McMahon

The egg hunter by Karen McMahon

Picture of a friend by Bob Jarman

Lakeside by Steve Goldberg

People #4 by Mary Jean Winkler

Tips and tutorials

HCC regular meeting, May 17 2022. Presentation by Kah-Wai Lin. Link to the .PDF file of his presentation: