Housatonic Camera Club Representatives

President: Dawn Dingee

Vice-President: Heidi Hoeller

Treasurer: Dawn Dingee
Membership/Dues: Dawn Dingee

Publicity: Jeff Breitman
Special Events Coordinator: Jeff Breitman
Program Director: Jeff Breitman

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality:Karen Consolago

Secretary:We are still looking for one

Competitions:Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Lazlo Gyorsok
Bill Devoti

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman
jrossman222@gmail.com -NECCC Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:

Pictures submitted by Heidi Hoeller from her and Paul's trip to Olana

Jekyll Island, Georgia by Jeff Breitman

In case you missed our last meeting here is the amazing presentation by Jeff Breitman created from the pictures he took on his trip to Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Tips and tutorials


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2022-2023 season is here.

We went through some hard times in 2020-2022 but hope that the new season will be much kinder to us. Support you club and your newsletter with active participation because we cannot survive without that.

There are several committee positions open such as Secretary, Public Events Coordinator (have one, can use another), Salon Show Coordinator (have one, can use another). If interested in any of these positions, please let Dawn or Lazlo know

Check out

the videos of our previous meetings

The Housatonic Camera Club Landscape Book

is finished. Thank you Jeff Breitman for your hard work on the project, selecting the pictures, putting it altogether, arranging the printing, etc.

Get in touch with Jeff if you want a copy of the book.

Some changes for next year’s interclub competitions.

The coming season we will compete in NECCC interclub competitions in the Nature and Pictorial categories.
These competitions stay the same as last year. We enter 4 images from 4 different members in the Nature and Pictorial competition.
We also compete in the PSA interclub competitions.
PSA is starting this year a Black and White competition, we will compete in the Pictorial and Black and White categories this year, and NOT in the Travel category anymore.
In the PSA competitions we enter 6 images from 6 different members.
I will start asking for NECCC’s Nature and Pictorial images in September, and for PSA’s Pictorial and Black and White images in October.
Get ready and start collecting your images now.

Assigned Topic ( no more than 3 pictures/members )


President's Message

by Dawn Dingee

For our 2nd meeting of the season, we had some challenges due to COVID-19. Noble Horizons had been fortunate to not have COVID cases for the first 2 years of the pandemic but recently they were hit with cases - both residents and staff. Due to the late notice, we decided to not change venues for October's meeting. We still had about 15 members in attendance. We performed a health check of each participant and masks were required in the common areas. Masks were optional in the actual meeting room. We will continue to monitor the situation at Noble so that we can make decisions about the next meeting that is scheduled there (December). For November, the meeting will be conducted via Zoom so we won't have to deal with COVID-19 for the next meeting at least. Lazlo will send out the details of the upcoming meeting a few days beforehand. For those that missed Jeff's presentation on Jekyll Island, I am working with Lazlo to see if we can post a link to it on our website. More details to follow.

Thank you to all who participated in our first competition of the season with NECCC. Soon you will receive an email from Bert regarding the first PSA competition of the season. The two categories this year are PID Color and PID Monochrome. We will not be participating in the Travel category this year. If you wish to participate, you must have a PSA release form on file. The release is good for 3 years so if you completed one last year, you don't need to do anything. But if you are new to the club and haven't completed the PSA Release form or you are not sure, please reach out to me.

There have been two recent field trips - to Cornwall and Bulls Bridge in Kent, CT. Visit our website at housatoniccameraclub.com for photos submitted by members who participated.

Our November meeting will be presented by Bert Sirkin. The topic is Masking in Lightroom / ACR. Bert has presented to HCC in the past. You can visit his website at http://www.photobert.com/ for his bio information as well as information about other classes he has available. Hope to see you at the next meeting. Until then, happy shooting!


Pictures from the Applecider Festival in Cornwall

by Lazlo Gyorsok

Here are a few pictures I took a few weeks back at a very lively Apple Cider Festival on Popple Swamp road in Cornwall. I used a Fuji X-H1 camera with a 35mm f 2.0 lens. All pictures were converted to Black and White in Adobe Camera Raw

Pictures from the "All the Leaves are brown and..." photo challenge

W e hope you've enjoyed taking part in our Photo Challenge. You managed to capture some incredible shots! Are you ready for the next round? It will be "Barns"


Kellan in leaves by Karen McMahon

Berries and Leaves by Ian Peters

Swirl by Erisel Matus

Bridge by Erisel Matus

Ebony by Ian Peters

Autumn reflections by Pamela Peeters

Maple Leaf on Green Grass by G.A. Mudge

Leaves #1 by John Nowak

Leaves #2 by Sarah Blodgett

Maple leaf on Blue Spruce by G.A. Mudge

Brown leaves by Gail Goldberg

Leaves #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Road by Erisel Matus

Cardinal in brown leaves by Karen McMahon

Leaves #2 by John Nowak

Leaves #4 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Bridge by Pamela Peeters

Gruffalo by Ian Peters

Colorful carpet by Gail Goldberg

Leaves #3 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Majestic by Erisel Matus

Graveyard, Newnham on Severn by Ian Peters

Birch leaves by G.A. Mudge

Audubon by Pamela Peeters

Water drops on Autumn leaves by Karen McMahon

It is not a number by Erisel Matus

Leaves #1 by Sarah Blodgett

Canal morning by Gail Goldberg

Autumn gate by Pamela Peeters

Mountain by Erisel Matus

Leaves #3 by Sarah Blodgett

Leafy carpet with Cyclamen by Ian Peters

Leaves #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Erie canal by Steve Goldberg

Pictures from the HCC outing at West Cornwall


Flying Heron by Erisel Matus

Colors by Heidi Hoeller

The river bend #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The river bend #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Covered Bridgeb y Erisel Matus

The group #2 by Jeff Breitman

Housatonic by Heidi Hoeller

The river bend by Kathy O'Flinn

The group #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Paul at the river by Jeff Breitman

The group by Lazlo Gyorsok

Red covered bridge by by Bert Schmitz

The Heron by Lazlo Gyorsok

Heron by Jeff Breitman

Jeff by Lazlo Gyorsok

Covered Bridge by Heidi Hoeller

The group by Jeff Breitman

Housatonic river by Erisel Matus

The river bend #3 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Erisel and Lazlo by Jeff Breitman

Bert by Jeff Breitman

Heron by Erisel Matus

Heron in Cornwall by Bert Schmitz

The tracks by Kathy O'Flinn

Tree sculpture by Bert Schmitz

Pictures from the HCC outing at Bulls Bridge


Fallen by Lazlo Gyorsok

Bulls Bridge #1 by Nancy Zannini

Bulls Bridge #2 by Nancy Zannini

The weir by Raphael Swift

Bulls Bridge #5 by Nancy Zannini

the rapids #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Ralph by Lazlo Gyorsok

The rapids by Raphael Swift

the rapids #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Lazlo by the river by Raphael Swift

Bert by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Housatonic by Raphael Swift

Bulls Bridge #3 by Nancy Zannini

The Gang by Lazlo Gyorsok

Bulls Bridge panorama by Bert Schmitz

Bulls Bridge #4 by Nancy Zannini

Colors by the river by Lazlo Gyorsok

Questions and Answers

(Q)What can an individual photographer do to avoid having their photos taken from the Web and monetized?
(A) Images on the web can be copyrighted though technically as soon as the photo is taken it is copyrighted. This will indicate that the image displayed is your intellectual property and can't be used without your consent. Or you can add a water-mark to the image. Water marks are very difficult to remove from an image. Also, on websites, you should never post a high-resolution image so if the image is used, its use is very limited. There are other options available but they are much more technical. For our competition photos, you cannot do this; however, the images are reduced to a small size making them more difficult to use for monetary purposes. Bottom line though, it is easy to prevent law-abiding people from stealing your images by the aforementioned steps, but it is very difficult to prevent non-law-abiding people from stealing your photos. Even if you combined all steps to prevent an image from being used, there will always be ways around it.

(Q) I was wondering if anyone in the club sets their camera to “Auto ISO” for all modes? i.e. aperture priority, shutter priority and plain auto mode. I have a Nikon D7200 camera and several lenses. My camera is 24 mega pixels. No matter how hard I try my photos always seem to come out to grainy in the “Auto ISO” mode. I can correct the noise in post production, but that seems to be just an extra step. Is it just me or do others have the same problem? For now, I turned the function off and was wondering should I even bother?
(A) You can use auto-ISO without almost any mode, but it is most useful when using Shutter Priority Mode. With Shutter Priority Mode, you can pick the shutter speed and let the camera choose the aperture and ISO. The camera's order or priorities will be Shutter, ISO, Aperture. If you are taking a photo at a time of rapidly changing light, it may make sense to use it. Or if there's a lot of action and it’s too difficult to keep up with changing conditions for modifying speed, aperture and ISO all at the same time (i.e. Sports). But I have found that if I use it in other modes, it will typically over-expose and I have to fix that in post-processing.

(Q) What is the difference between ppi and dpi?
(A) The two dimensions are frequently used interchangeably but have different meanings. The term ppi measures how many pixels per inch are displayed on the screen. The term dpi measures how many dots of ink a printer can place within an inch.

(Q) What is the difference between sRGB and RGB?
(A) Some monitors display a wider color gamut than others. sRGB and Adobe RGB include an equal amount of colors, but the range of sRGB is narrower. Adobe RGB is said to have a 35% wider gamut of color than sRGB. Also, professional printers have a preference as to which color spaces they require. NOTE: For competition photos, we should use sRGB as it renders better results.

(Q) Should I shoot in RAW or JPG?
(A) Cameras can take photos in RAW or JPG format. With RAW, there is more data to work with when processing your photos. A RAW file gives you more shades and tones to work with than a JPG. The shade is the hue and the tone is the brightness. Each pixel is a specific shade and tone. RAW images are huge (!) so they will take up more space on your memory card and in your computer. The RAW files are too large to email and when we submit photos to competitions such as NECCC and PSA, there are size limitations. So, although you may take the image in RAW, after processing, you will need to convert it to JPG and size it correctly.
