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2022-2023 season is here.

We went through some hard times in 2020-2022 but hope that the new season will be much kinder to us. Support you club and your newsletter with active participation because we cannot survive without that.

There are several committee positions open such as Secretary, Public Events Coordinator (have one, can use another), Salon Show Coordinator (have one, can use another). If interested in any of these positions, please let Dawn or Lazlo know

Next HCC Outing in Cornwall

Our outing to the beautiful garden of Debby and Barton Jones on Popple Swamp road will take place on the 13th of May, which is a Saturday. We meet at the house at 10 o'clock in the morning. Please let me know if you are coming. The house is the second one on the right if you are coming from Rt4.

Check out

the videos of our previous meetings

The Housatonic Camera Club Landscape Book

is finished. Thank you Jeff Breitman for your hard work on the project, selecting the pictures, putting it altogether, arranging the printing, etc.

Get in touch with Jeff if you want a copy of the book.

Some changes for next year’s interclub competitions.

The coming season we will compete in NECCC interclub competitions in the Nature and Pictorial categories.
These competitions stay the same as last year. We enter 4 images from 4 different members in the Nature and Pictorial competition.
We also compete in the PSA interclub competitions.
PSA is starting this year a Black and White competition, we will compete in the Pictorial and Black and White categories this year, and NOT in the Travel category anymore.
In the PSA competitions we enter 6 images from 6 different members.
I will start asking for NECCC’s Nature and Pictorial images in September, and for PSA’s Pictorial and Black and White images in October.
Get ready and start collecting your images now.

HCC Representatives

President: Dawn Dingee

Vice-President: Heidi Hoeller

Treasurer: Dawn Dingee
Membership/Dues: Dawn Dingee

Publicity: Jeff Breitman
Special Events Coordinator: Jeff Breitman
Program Director: Jeff Breitman

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality: Karen Consolato

Secretary: We are still looking for one

Competitions: Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Gail Goldberg
Lazlo Gyorsok

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman
jrossman222@gmail.com -NECCC Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:

Tips and tutorials

Pictures sent in by our members

Nuns by Steve Goldberg

Biking in Chicago #1 by Nancy Zannini

Dew by Karen McMahon by Karen McMahon

Waterdrop #3 by Karen McMahon

Country Road. IR image by Lazlo Gyorsok

President's Message by Dawn Dingee

May has been a busy month for the camera club! The HCC Committee has selected a winner of the 2023 Scholarship ($500) and the winner is....Elizabeth Petkovich. She submitted a few photos and an essay where she said she'd use the scholarship funds to take a documentary photography class. She is interested in learning this style of photography to better capture and represent the people, places and events she sees on her travels. We wish her luck and safe travels!
The HCC also had several field trips this month - Hall's Waterfall and Debby Jone's gardens. There are over 50+ photographs from members available on the HCC Gallery - check them out! The Hudson, NY outing was cancelled due to weather. We will try re-scheduling for sometime over the summer. Speaking of summer, don't forget the 64th Sharon on the Green Arts Festival in Sharon, CT. HCC will once again have a booth where we will display 2-3 photos per member and have materials out to attract new members. Keep an eye out for emails pertaining to this event. This will be a 3rd year and so far, we've signed up several new members from this event. Hope you can participate.
We are planning for our final meeting of the 2022-2023 season scheduled for June 20th. We will have an outside picnic at Kent Falls. Don't forget to bring your camera as there are many, many photo opportunities at this location. Last year we were treated to a bear family! Don't forget to sign up for the pot-luck if you haven't done so already. Jeff sent out a link to the sign-up sheet on May 29th. We will have raffles for 50/50 as well as other prizes. Hope you can join in on the fun!

The Hanbury Botanical garden By Pamela Peeters

A tour in the Hanbury Botanical garden a major botanical garden operated by the University of Genoa also known as Villa Hanbury, is an unfolding love affair between flowers, bushes, shrubs, palm - and other - trees, cacti, flowering citrus bushes and ongoing paths, cobblestone steps, water bodies, statues and other eccentricities including a pond guarded by a Japanese dragon. A little Italian Palazzio towers its dominance atop a hill with Cypresses tucked in strategic locations.
After taking a bus from Menton onto the border with Italy less than 10 days ago, my husband and I walked through two tunnels, followed by a long winding road that according to my “Mapquest” tour suggestion offered “an off-road experience,” which we opted for and that landed us in a “pine forest by the Oceanview” hike that was tiny bit too long. My phone promised me that our destination was now around the block and only one barking dog away.
The dog was called indoors and we stepped into our finish line.
Once we stepped through the gate that offered us the “Hanbury” Garden we entered a different world: a magical one for all who had the eye.
In 1868 the agronomist and landscape architect Ludwig Winter became curator of the gardens and left us this little slice of botanical heaven. Go and explore if you happen to be in Menton as well since it is worth the detour and perhaps also a clue of what we could organize while covering a botanical garden or other park.

Connecticut Antique Machinery by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Connecticut Antique Machinery Association (CAMA) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit museum dedicated to the preservation, restoration and demonstration of antique machinery from our rich industrial and agricultural past. CAMA's central theme revolves around machinery that made America great, Our 8-acre museum campus is located in Kent, CT. CAMA is an all-volunteer organization. It is located in Kent, Connecticut

Pictures from the "Hills are alive" photo challenge

W e hope you've enjoyed taking part in our Photo Challenge. You managed to capture some incredible shots!


Hills are alive by Karen Mcmahon #3

Wall in the hills by Nancy Zannini

Mt.Madison and Mt.Adams by G.A.Mudge

Cows, cows, cows by Dawn Dingee

Bryce Canyon, Utah by Nancy Zannini

Hills are alive by Karen Mcmahon #1

Hills are alive #2 by Debbie Swift

Hills are alive #3 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Leafing out by G.A.Mudge

Hills are alive #1 by Debbie Swift

Hills are alive #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Hills are alive #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Cows by Dawn Dingee

Tulips by Dawn Dingee

Tubac, Arizona #2 by Nancy Zannini

Tubac, Arizona #1 by Nancy Zannini

Hills are alive by Karen Mcmahon #2

Pictures from the garden of Debby and Barton Jones


The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #8 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #5 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Debbie by Dawn Dingee

Tree Swallow by Dawn Dingee

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #9 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #3 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #7 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #3 by Joni Hinchman

Joanie and George by Dawn Dingee

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #4 by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #6 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Debby and Barton Jones Garden #1 by Erisel Matus

Debby and Barton Jones Garden #2 by Erisel Matus

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #1 by Joni Hinchman

Debby and Barton Jones Garden #5 by Erisel Matus

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Full garden view by Dawn Dingee

The Garden of Debby and Barton Jones #2 by Joni Hinchman

Frog in the pond by Dawn Dingee

Debby and Barton Jones Garden #5 by Erisel Matus

Lazlo, Paul, Jeff by Dawn Dingee

Debby and Barton Jones Garden #3 by Erisel Matus

Pictures from the outing Hall's waterfall.


At Hall's Waterfall #3 by Debbie Swift

At Hall's Waterfall #2 by Debbie Swift

Halls's Waterfall #1 by Raphael Swift

Hall's Waterfall #3 by Brian Wilcox

Hall's Waterfall #8 by Brian Wilcox

At Hall's Waterfall #1 by Debbie Swift

Hall's Waterfall #11 by Brian Wilcox

Hall's Waterfall #3 by Raphael Swift

Halls's waterfall #1 by Tom Blagden

Hall's Waterfall #7 by Brian Wilcox

Halls's waterfall #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Hall's Waterfall #12 by Brian Wilcox

Hall's Waterfall #2 by Brian Wilcox

Hall's Waterfall #2 by Raphael Swift

Halls's waterfall #4 by Tom Blagden

Hall's Waterfall #9 by Brian Wilcox

Hall's Waterfall #1 by Brian Wilcox

Hall's Waterfall #5 by Brian Wilcox

Halls's waterfall #3 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Halls's waterfall #5 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Halls's waterfall #5 by Tom Blagden

Hall's Waterfall #4 by Brian Wilcox

Halls's waterfall #4 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Hall's Waterfall #6 by Brian Wilcox

Halls's waterfall #2 by Tom Blagden

Halls's waterfall #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Hall's Waterfall #10 by Brian Wilcox

Halls's waterfall #3 by Tom Blagden

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