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2023-2024 season is here.

Support you club and your newsletter with active participation because we cannot survive without that.

There are several committee positions open such as Secretary, Public Events Coordinator (have one, can use another), Salon Show Coordinator (have one, can use another). If interested in any of these positions, please let Dawn or Lazlo know

Next HCC Show

Our next show will be at the Sharon Historical Society running through September 2-October 13. Subject: "Water". New work is highly recommended.
Drop off for the HCC show is Saturday, August 26, 9-11am at the Historical Society.
The opening reception is Saturday, September 2, 5-7pm.
Work can be picked up on Saturday, October 14 from 9-11am.
For details contact Jeff Breitman ( Thank you Jeff for arranging the show)

Check out

the videos of our previous meetings

The Housatonic Camera Club Landscape Book

is finished. Thank you Jeff Breitman for your hard work on the project, selecting the pictures, putting it altogether, arranging the printing, etc.

Get in touch with Jeff if you want a copy of the book.

Some changes for next year’s interclub competitions.

The coming season we will compete in NECCC interclub competitions in the Nature and Pictorial categories. These competitions stay the same as last year. We enter 4 images from 4 different members in the Nature and Pictorial competition. More info here: http://neccc14.neccc.org/Interclub/Projected-Image-Interclub-Competition-Rules-and-Regulations.pdf.
We also compete in the PSA interclub competitions. For 2023-24 PSA Interclub, the standard file size will be 1920 x1080 with clubs still able to enter their images using the 1400 x1050 size until they are ready to switch to today’s standard size of 1920 x 1080. We will compete in the Pictorial and Black and White categories this year once more again. In the PSA competitions we enter 6 images from 6 different members. I will start asking for NECCC’s Nature and Pictorial images in September, and for PSA’s Pictorial and Black and White images in October. Get ready and start collecting your images now.

Assigned Topic ( up to 3 pictures/members )

"Touch of Autumn in the air"

HCC Representatives

President: Dawn Dingee

Vice-President: Steve Goldberg

Treasurer: Heidi Hoeller
Membership/Dues: Heidi Hoeller

Publicity: Jeff Breitman
Special Events Coordinator: Jeff Breitman
Program Director: Jeff Breitman

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality: Karen Consolato

Secretary: We are still looking for one

Competitions: Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Gail Goldberg
Lazlo Gyorsok

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman
jrossman222@gmail.com -NECCC Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:

Tips and tutorials

Pictures sent in by our members

Tea time in Zagora by Verne Henshallg

The road by Kathy O'Flynn

Fall colors by Kathy O'Flynn

Old barn by Kathy O'Flynn

Chairs at MoMA by Mary Jean Winkler

Beach Stone Totem Pole by G.A.Mudge

Girl with the Camera by Steve Goldberg

Gazing by the caves by Steve Goldberg

In the haze by Steve Goldberg

ST.Martins by Steve Goldberg

President's Message by Dawn Dingee

This month will be the start of the 2023-2024 season. At our September meeting, members will present their ‘member showcase’. Members are encouraged to share their work in any format they’d like – slideshow, video, prints and yes, even actual slides if someone is so inclined. Presentations should be no more than 5 minutes per member. In person meetings will once again take place at Noble Horizons in the Cobble building.
Over the summer, HCC had a booth at the Sharon Fair. Thank you for all those that helped make the day a success. We had 14 persons indicate they were interested in becoming a member of HCC. I’ve sent a welcome email to them so hopefully we will get some new members from this event.
For the upcoming season, we have scheduled some very good speakers – some from within the club as well as external speakers for our Zoom sessions. The plan is to have a mix of in-person and Zoom meetings again this season. The Committee members have worked throughout the summer months to ensure we have an exciting program schedule for the new season. It takes all of us to pull together to keep this club going so I’m excited by the enthusiasm we have from members of this great club! So, thank you!!

Pictures from the Torrington Street fair by Lazlo Gyorsok

The NWCT Arts Council hosted the Litchfield Hills Creative Festival on Saturday, August 19 in Downtown Torrington. The UP! Umbrella Project, presented by Pilobolus dance company and the Cinderfella fire spinning were headlines this year’s festival, through a collaborative effort with the Warner Theatre. First conceptualized with MIT, the Umbrella Project is an interactive spectacle that transforms participants into collaborative performers. Visitors were given a light-up umbrella and instructed by Pilobolus dancers to become part of a choreographed movement piece.

Getting ready for the show

The girl with the umbrella

Pay attention now !

All lit up !

Watching it all on the big screen.

The shadows of the night

Playing with Fire

The sparks fly

The Duel

...and the make-up kiss.

My third “Narwhal “ expedition in the Canadian High Arctic by Pamela Peeters

This summer, a small group of scientists, experts and specialists gathered in Ottawa for an expedition into the Arctic. Under the leadership of Dr. Martin Nweeia, the team was composed of Jim McEachen - top cameraman who did camerawork for video’s with Michael Jackson, Latoya Jackson, the Police, Honda, Armani, just to name a few; Joe Rhode, executive veteran of Disney Imagineering and fantastic artist equipped with a gigantic art canvas and an art book that slowly started filling up with the most beautiful paintings. and myself : environmental economist brought in for the video interviews with Inuit / young and old / for a new educational course, Linked with Sustainability and Intergenerational Wisdom transfer … and also drone pilot.
We went from organizing a first workshop at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa, to unrolling the canvas in Iqaluit parallel to another workshop and more video interviews , and last, on several occasions in Arctic in Bay, including once on the pier, looking out over the bay by the water. This resulted in the communal art project to expand with additional Inuit storytelling elements.
The absolute blessing of the trip came at the end of our educational adventure when we were able to witness hundreds of Narwhals passing by the bay we had just taken a break in.
Our team had gone out on the boat of an Inuit fisherman, and together with a younger Inuit fisherman he took us to a place where he knew Narwhals would be gathering.
What a unique moment in all of our lives that was!
Pamela Peeters

A view of Arctic Bay, Canada

Mother April and her baby daughter, Arctic Bay, Canada

Local kids posing for me in Arctic Bay, Canada

Pamela Peeters with the drone

Collecting Ice

Family outing by the Arctic Ocean

Living by the Shore by Karen McMahon

I feel so lucky to live 10 minutes from the sea. I grew up here and took it for granted because it was just what I was used to. After having moved several times throughout my life, to several different states, I ended up right back where I started. It is only now that I realize how lucky I was to grow up so close to such a beautiful place filled with wind, waves, natures beautiful creatures and a lot of history. I hope you enjoy looking at a few of the sights that are just a hop, skip and a jump from my home.

Sandy Hook Light House - Built in 1774- Oldest Original Still Operating Lighthouse in USA

Pictures from the HCC Picnic at Kent Falls, June 21, 2023


HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #5

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #2

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Max Ule

HCC Picnic 2023 by Pamela Peeters #5

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #8

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #7

HCC Picnic 2023 by Pamela Peeters #4

HCC Picnic 2023 by Pamela Peeters #1

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Raphael Swift

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #11

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #3

HCC Picnic 2023 by Pamela Peeters #3

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #1

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #9

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #12

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #6

HCC Picnic 2023 by Pamela Peeters #2

HCC Picnic 2023 by Pamela Peeters #6

HCC Picnic at Kent Falls by Lazlo Gyorsok #4

Pictures from the Sharon Art Fair


Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #6

Sharon Art Fair 2023 #2 by Dawn Dingee

Sharon Art Fair 2023 #3 by Dawn Dingee

Sharon Art Fair 2023 #1 by Dawn Dingee

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #7

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #4

Sharon Fair by Nancy Zannini

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #5

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #3

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #2

Sharon Art Fair 2023 #5 by Dawn Dingee

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #6

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #8

Sharon Art Fair 2023 #4 by Dawn Dingee

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #1

Sharon Art Fair by Lazlo #9

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