You can see Matt cohen's Travel pictures here on Instagram:

Matt's bio

Beyond Capture: Making a Winning Image
Presented by: Sharon Prislipsky, APSA, EPSA, AFIA

A winning image is not always one that wins a competition. It may be one that has appeal to consumers or one that is worthy of being displayed in your home. Regardless of the definition we choose, all winning images have impact. This program will define impact and discuss how to create images that make a connection with the viewer, evoke an emotion, illustrate a concept or new idea, or perhaps show something new to the viewer. From composing our images to enhancing them in post processing, we can share our vision and communicate with our audience. Finally, we will explore the stages we experience in our photographic journey and how we can take our photography to the next level.

Housatonic Camera Club Zoom meeting
February 20th at 7PM

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2023-2024 season is here.

Support you club and your newsletter with active participation because we cannot survive without that.

There are several committee positions open such as Secretary, Public Events Coordinator (have one, can use another), Salon Show Coordinator (have one, can use another). If interested in any of these positions, please let Dawn or Lazlo know

Check out

our and participate on our Facebook site

Check out

the videos of our previous meetings

The Housatonic Camera Club Landscape Book

is finished. Thank you Jeff Breitman for your hard work on the project, selecting the pictures, putting it altogether, arranging the printing, etc.

Get in touch with Jeff if you want a copy of the book.

Some changes for next year’s interclub competitions.

The coming season we will compete in NECCC interclub competitions in the Nature and Pictorial categories. These competitions stay the same as last year. We enter 4 images from 4 different members in the Nature and Pictorial competition. More info here:
We also compete in the PSA interclub competitions. For 2023-24 PSA Interclub, the standard file size will be 1920 x1080 with clubs still able to enter their images using the 1400 x1050 size until they are ready to switch to today’s standard size of 1920 x 1080. We will compete in the Pictorial and Black and White categories this year once more again. In the PSA competitions we enter 6 images from 6 different members. I will start asking for NECCC’s Nature and Pictorial images in September, and for PSA’s Pictorial and Black and White images in October. Get ready and start collecting your images now.

Assigned Topic ( up to 3 pictures/members )

"Anything goes"

let your imagination be the limit!

HCC Representatives

President: Dawn Dingee

Vice-President: Steve Goldberg

Treasurer: Heidi Hoeller
Membership/Dues: Heidi Hoeller

Publicity:Open position
Program Director: Open position

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality:Gail Goldberg

Secretary:Open Position

Competitions: Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Gail Goldberg
Lazlo Gyorsok

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman -NECCC Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:

Tips and tutorials

Pictures sent in by our members

Dewdrops by Karen McMahon

Orchid by Pamela Peeters

Abu Dhabi seaworld by Pamela Peeters

Floating ocean bottom by Pamela Peeters

Submarine descending by Pamela Peeters

President's Message by Dawn Dingee

February was a busy month for the camera club. We wrapped up our salon show at Noble Horizons which ran through the 16th. We only sold one photo from the show but the show was well received and well attended throughout the month. It’s not quite the same as seeing it in person but if you missed the show, 26 of the photos are available on our website in the Gallery (page 22).
February’s meeting was via Zoom. If you missed it, you can still watch the presentation by visiting our website at and click on “Meeting Videos”. The presentation by Sharon Prislipsky was on “Beyond Capture: The Making of a Winning Image”. We have not fared so well in our competitions recently so this was a great presentation which will allow us to reflect on our photos we have presented in the past and allow us to strive to submit award winning photos in the future. If you missed the meeting, take a look!
Our next HCC meeting for Committee members is scheduled for March 7th at 5:30 pm. A reminder will be sent out beforehand.
Hopefully with the spring weather just around the corner (fingers crossed!), you will be able to get out and shoot. Looking forward to seeing fresh images from all our members …. Don’t forget to send photos to Lazlo for our newsletter.
Happy Shooting!

A Visit to the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservancy by Gail Goldberg

Inspired by this month’s topic, “things that fly”, we went to see the 2000 butterflies of 45 different species raised and imported, living in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Situated in the botanical gardens, The Butterfly Conservatory was built in 1996 and is the largest facility of its kind in North America. The facility includes an 11,000 square foot conservatory, video theaters, and interactive displays. Tropical trees and flowers are rotated seasonally to attract and feed the butterflies. Forty (40) percent of the butterflies are raised on-site in the specialized greenhouses for rearing butterflies and growing host specific plants. The other sixty (60) percent are imported from Costa Rica, El Salvador and the Philippines.

The butterflies are free to move within this sanctuary of curved paths, rustling leaves, babbling brook and waterfalls. On our recent trip this month, the warm and bright indoors was a great respite from the frost and wind outdoors. One could bring a tripod and sit calmly. Butterflies will land on you, your camera and hopefully the spot where you have set your camera focus. We, however, brought grandchildren so there was not much opportunity to just sit still.

A beautiful place to photograph. Here are some pictures from our cell phones and a Leica camera. Look closely to see all the “things that fly”.

In recognition of Black History Month, G. A. Mudge

Acadia Antique store by Lazlo Gyorsok

Pictures sent in for the PSA Color competition

Boats on the Beach by Bert Schmitz

Cape Cod sunrise by Lazlo Gyorsok

Gate for the future by Pamela Peeters

Now This Is A Crab Dinner - By Karen McMahon

Surprised Soggy Squirre byIan_Peters-s

Yosemite El Capitan byDawnDingee

Pictures sent in for the PSA B and W competition

Abu Dhabi Falcon by Pamela Peeters

Falling water by Bert Schmitz

Playing drums by Dawn Dingee

So Much For New Years Resolutions by Karen McMahon

Stroud at the stroke of Midnight by Ian Peters

WW Barn by Brian Wilcox

Monthly Challenge: Flying things


Home made fly by Verne Henshall and Megan Gould

Things that Fly #1 by Nancy Zannini

Things that Fly #4 by Nancy Zannini

Things that Fly #3 by Nancy Zannini

UFO by Brian Wilcox

Things that Fly #3 by G.A. Mudge

Red winged balck bird at the beach by Karen McMahon

Look behind you by Ian Peters

Things that Fly #2 by Mary Jean Winkler

Salisbury Ski Jump #1 by BertSchmitz

Things that Fly #2 by G.A. Mudge

Flying high by Jane Rossman

Things that Fly #2 by Nancy Zannini

Seagull soaring by Dawn Dingee

Busy bee by Jane Rossman

Seagull by Dawn Dingee

Salisbury Ski Jump #2 by BertSchmitz

Things that Fly #1 by G.A. Mudge

Avery's first flying lesson by Karen McMahon

Kite by Karen McMahon

Ryan Air training day by Ian Peters

Owl #1 by Sergio Villaschi

Butterfly by Steve Goldberg

Typhoon and Spitfire by Ian Peters

Flying owl #1 by Erisel Matus

Owl #2 by Sergio Villaschi

Things that Fly #1 by Sarah Blodgett

White Pelican, San Diego by Sarah Blodgett

Flying owl #3 by Erisel Matus

Things that Fly #5 by Nancy Zannini

Snow Geese, Montezuma NY by Sarah Blodgett

Plane landing by Dawn Dingee

Things that Fly #1 by Mary Jean Winkler

Owl #3 by Sergio Villaschi

Niagara gulls #3 by Steve Goldberg

Things that Fly #3 by Mary Jean Winkler

Flying high by Lazlo Gyorsok

Laughing gull in flight by Jane Rossman

Things that Fly #6 by Nancy Zannini

Western Grebes, San Diego by Sarah Blodgett

Flying owl #2 by Erisel Matus

Old planes by Lazlo Gyorsok

Niagara gulls #2 by Steve Goldberg

Flying ducks at Miles Pond in Sharon by Lazlo Gyorsok

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