The Chosen Pew by Heidi Hoeller

The Moo end of the cow by G.A.Mudge

The The boat by Lazlo Gyorsok

Beyond Capture: Making a Winning Image
Presented by: Sharon Prislipsky, APSA, EPSA, AFIA

A winning image is not always one that wins a competition. It may be one that has appeal to consumers or one that is worthy of being displayed in your home. Regardless of the definition we choose, all winning images have impact. This program will define impact and discuss how to create images that make a connection with the viewer, evoke an emotion, illustrate a concept or new idea, or perhaps show something new to the viewer. From composing our images to enhancing them in post processing, we can share our vision and communicate with our audience. Finally, we will explore the stages we experience in our photographic journey and how we can take our photography to the next level.

Housatonic Camera Club Zoom meeting
February 20th at 7PM


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2023-2024 season is here.

Our next show will be at the United Church of Christ parish house in Cornwall. It is scheduled starting on Sept 22 and running till Oct 25. We have the whole summer to get ready for it. No theme.

Support you club and your newsletter with active participation because we cannot survive without that.

There are several committee positions open such as Secretary, Public Events Coordinator (have one, can use another), Salon Show Coordinator (have one, can use another). If interested in any of these positions, please let Dawn or Lazlo know

Check out

our and participate on our Facebook site

Check out

the videos of our previous meetings

The Housatonic Camera Club Landscape Book

is finished. Thank you Jeff Breitman for your hard work on the project, selecting the pictures, putting it altogether, arranging the printing, etc.

Get in touch with Jeff if you want a copy of the book.

Some changes for next year’s interclub competitions.

The coming season we will compete in NECCC interclub competitions in the Nature and Pictorial categories. These competitions stay the same as last year. We enter 4 images from 4 different members in the Nature and Pictorial competition. More info here:
We also compete in the PSA interclub competitions. For 2023-24 PSA Interclub, the standard file size will be 1920 x1080 with clubs still able to enter their images using the 1400 x1050 size until they are ready to switch to today’s standard size of 1920 x 1080. We will compete in the Pictorial and Black and White categories this year once more again. In the PSA competitions we enter 6 images from 6 different members. I will start asking for NECCC’s Nature and Pictorial images in September, and for PSA’s Pictorial and Black and White images in October. Get ready and start collecting your images now.

Assigned Topic ( up to 3 pictures/members )

"Take a walk on the Wild Side"

HCC Representatives

President: Dawn Dingee

Vice-President: Steve Goldberg

Treasurer: Heidi Hoeller
Membership/Dues: Heidi Hoeller

Publicity:Open position
Program Director: Open position

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality:Gail Goldberg

Secretary:Open Position

Competitions: Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Gail Goldberg
Lazlo Gyorsok

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman -NECCC Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:

Tips and tutorials

President's Message by Dawn Dingee

Finally, spring has arrived! Hopefully, you were able to participate in one of our recent field trips to Innisfree Gardens or Laurel Ridge. If you attended, please consider sending some photos to Lazlo to be posted on our website for members to see. The tulips and daffodils are blooming and the flowering trees are awash with buds and flowers. If you missed the field trip, you can still go on your own. Such a beautiful time of year to visit either of these places. In our next meeting, Tom Blagden will be giving a presentation titled “The Engaging Landscape – Photo Rambles in the Time of Covid”. Who can forget those crazy times! The meeting will be in person at Noble Horizons in the Cobble building on May 16th, 7 pm. This month, the HCC Committee will receive applications for the HCC scholarship. This year, HCC is offering two-$500 scholarships to 2 lucky recipients. The scholarship is open to Junior and Senior students of HVRHS. The student must demonstrate a commitment to photography and should have taken at least one course in the photography field. Students are encouraged to provide a few sentences about what inspires them about photography along with a brief explanation of how they intend to use the funds. They are also encouraged to send 4 photos that best represent their work.
We would love to hear from members regarding other possible field trips or workshops you’d like us to consider. Follow HCC on Facebook for recent pictures and notifications from HCC members. It’s a great way to share your love of photography and advise other members of photo opportunities that are out there.
Lastly, we will once again have our end-of-year picnic in June. The committee will start the planning so look for emails regarding location, food sign-up, etc.

Pictures from the April 16th meeting by Dawn Dingee

In our April 16th meeting, we held a print critique. 12 members brought in photos for a total of 23. A great variety of subject matter, techniques, post-processing, and materials were demonstrated by the photos. After discussion of each photo, feedback was given identifying good points about the photo and areas that could be improved. The analysis will hopefully provide insight of the characteristics of the photograph and techniques to improve the lighting, color, cropping, composition, etc. which will help our members become better photographers, both technically and artistically.

Pictures sent in for the PSA Pictorial competition

Graceful by Karen McMahon

Russian soldier by Lazlo Gyorsok

Sailing school by Pamela Peeters

On the bay by Steve Goldberg

Street party by Bert Schmitz

Wonderful waxwings by Ian Peters

Pictures sent in for the PSA Black and White competition

Disco patio by Pamela Peeterss

Elephants crossing by Ian Peters

Female blacksmith at Williamsburg by Bert Schmitz

Majestic sunset in Black and White by Heidi Hoeller

Stepping out by Karen McMahon

Man with cigar by Lazlo Gyorsok

Monthly Challenge: Flower Power


Purple white tulips by Pamela Peeters

Bleeding Hearts by Karen McMahon

Tulips in bloom by Dawn Dingee

Flower power by Lazlo Gyorsok

Petals by Mary Jean Winkler

Sunflowers by Bert Schmitz

Orchid by Mary Jean Winkler

Flowers by Verne Henshall

White tulips by Pamela Peeters

Spring crocuses by Dawn Dingee

Yellow tulip by Karen McMahon

Flower#1 by Maria Ghi

Weed by Mary Jean Winkler

Daisy by Karen McMahon

Poppy #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Tulips by Dawn Dingee

Sunflower surge by G.A.Mudge

Flower#3 by Maria Ghi

Poppy #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Water Lily by Bert Schmitz

Dogwood pirouette by G.A.Mudge

Red torch tulip by Pamela Peeters

Flower#2 by Maria Ghi

Amarillys Effusion by G.A.Mudge

Pictures from Innisfree Gardens by Dawn Dingee

On Saturday, April 27th, a small group of HCC members visited Innisfree Gardens in Millbrook, NY. The day started warm and sunny but turned overcast and windy as we were leaving. Overall, it was a beautiful day to be out and enjoy nature. Innisfree is a Chinese-inspired public garden, established between 1930 and 1960. The flowers and surrounding stone sculptures and statues were created by Walter and Marion Bell, inspired by scroll paintings of the 8th-century Chinese poet and painter Wang Wei. The gardens feature paths, waterfalls, terraces, a great variety of wildflowers, and a large glacial lake at its center. It's not just the daffodils that are blooming this time of year. There are many, many varieties of wildflowers already out, and many more to come. At every turn, there was something beautiful to photograph.


Primrose by Dawn Dingee

Innisfree #7 by Ralph Swift

Innisfree #3 by Ralph Swift

Innisfree #6 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Raphael and Debbie by Dawn Dingee

White daffodils by Dawn Dingee

Barrenwort by Dawn Dingee

Wet leaves by Dawn Dingee

Innisfree #5 by Ralph Swift

Innisfree #1 by Ralph Swift

Innisfree #4 by Ralph Swift

Whale by Dawn Dingee

Innisfree #2 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Innisfree #4 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Rolling down the hill by Dawn Dingee

Innisfree #3 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Columbine by Dawn Dingee

Innisfree 5 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Innisfree #1 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Spring in the air by Dawn Dingee

Innisfree #7 by Lazlo Gyorsok

Innisfree #6 by Ralph Swift

Innisfree #2 by Ralph Swift

Hiding in plain site by Dawn Dingee

Lazlo by Dawn Dingee

White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield by Heidi Hoeller

On Monday, April 29, Erisel and Heidi went to White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield, CT after the trip to Laurel Ridge. It was a perfect spring day, partly sunny and about 70 degrees with a little warm breeze.
From the main entrance, we drove past the museum building to the pond, then headed left to park our cards at the bottom of a knoll. Heidi had recalled a tip from Bill Lyon last year that bird nesting boxes beyond the knoll sometimes had Eastern Bluebirds in the early spring. We found the location Bill had described, parked and walked up the small hill to the nest boxes.
While walking the grassy loop surrounding the nesting area, we saw numerous Tree Swallows flitting anxiously about, landing on the boxes and sometimes hopping inside. By staying still for a time, the swallows soon felt comfortable to land on the box nearest to us and posed begrudgingly for photos.
Next, we headed toward the pond and spotted a few Eastern Bluebirds, which seemed to favor three budding trees between the water and the gravel road. Erisel set up his tripod and large lens to capture close-ups of the elusive royal blue birds with warm rose-brown breasts and white bellies. Heidi took photos with her zoom lens freehand.
Heidi took a board-walk trail around the pond and spotted an Eastern Painted Turtle, climbing onto a felled limb in the water. There were frogs, too, but they were well-camouflaged and fast to disappear. A snapping turtle lumbered about, trailing carpet algae along with it. Geese flew in, seeking refuge in the middle of the pond.
There were daffodils here, but interestingly different varieties than those seen at Laurel Ridge. More nesting boxes were along the pond shore, and even more lined the edge of the woods, making an alluring haven for Eastern Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, and perhaps even Bobolinks. It's definitely worth another visit.
White Memorial Conservation Area is located about a 1/2 mile from the center of Litchfield. It is open daily, year round, and admission is free. The museum is closed on Mondays. There are picnic tables and benches, a pond, a lake, and about 40 miles of trails.


White Memorial #1 by Erisel Matus

White Memorial #5 by Erisel Matus

Eastern painted turtle by Heidi Hoeller

Marsh at White Memorial by Heidi Hoeller

White Memorial #4 by Erisel Matus

Three swallows by Heidi Hoeller

White Memorial #3 by Erisel Matus

White Memorial #2 by Erisel Matus

Yellow daffodils by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodils at Laurel Ridge by Heidi Hoeller

On Monday, April 29,seven members of the Housatonic Camera Club traveled to Laurel Ridge on Wigwam Road in Northfield, CT to photograph daffodils in full bloom. A light rain earlier in the morning left dewdrops on petals, and by 9 AM, the morning light made the water droplets sparkle. The sun cooperated throughout our stay, coming out behind the clouds, and then hiding itself, as if on a timer. Birds filled the air with song, expressing gratitude for what promised to be a beautiful spring day.
There are purportedly over 600,000 daffodils on the property, which includes a pond with an island and several stone walls. The island boasts daffodils, too. It was almost too perfect, and several of us mused that the site is almost made with photographers in mind. Although this place is typically crowded on the weekends, a Monday morning allowed our members to move freely about with little interference.
Near the end of our visit, the model finally arrived in a classic, blue patterned dress and pink rain boots. She romped down the path, as if she'd been there many times before, running carefree toward the pond with her wild, curly locks following close behind. She didn't stay long, so we didn't have to pay anything. Her agent, who was likely her mother, gave our club verbal permission to photograph her.
Afterward, four members drove to nearby Litchfield, CT for a late breakfast and coffee at Toast and Company.
The daffodils are expected to be in bloom over the next week or two, so it's not too late to stop by to take pictures! There is no picnicking and no dogs allowed. Plan to protect yourself against ticks, and bring your own model, just in case.


Laurel Ridge #1 by Bert Schmitz

Daffodil hill path by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodils #1 by Ralph Swift

Daffodils #3 by Ralph Swift

Daffodils #5 by Ralph Swift

Daffodils #1 by Andres Valdespino

Carefree in daffodils by Heidi Hoeller

Laurel Ridge #3 by Bert Schmitz

Daffodil path by Heidi Hoeller

Running down a dream by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodil hill path #2 by Heidi Hoeller

Laurel Ridge full bloom by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodils #4 by Ralph Swift

Erisel shooting dafodils by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodils #2 by Ralph Swift

Daffodils #4 by Andres Valdespino

Laurel Ridge #4 by Bert Schmitz

Dafodil rock garden by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodils #3 by Andres Valdespino

Water droplets on daffodil leaves by Heidi Hoeller

Laurel Ridge #2 by Bert Schmitz

Laurel Ridge #5 by Bert Schmitz

Laurel Ridge outing by Heidi Hoeller

Daffodils #2 by Andres Valdespino

Debbie and daffodils by Heidi Hoeller

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