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  1. Announcements
  2. Miles Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary by Dawn Dingee
  3. Tips
  4. PSA, NECC competion rule changes
  5. Program schedule
  6. HCC Enrollement form
  7. Visit and participate on our Facebook site
  8. Landscapes assignment pictures
  9. Our Flickr site pictures
  10. Latest Photography News

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

Dorothea Lange

Birds by Steve Balkin

Twisted Twine by Steve Balkin

Wornoco Mill by Jeff Breitman

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

“Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” Elliott Erwitt


President: TBD

Vice-President: TBD

Treasurer: Dawn Dingee
Membership/Dues: Dawn Dingee

Publicity: Jeff Breitman
Special Events Coordinator: Jeff Breitman
Program Director: Jeff Breitman

Webmaster: Lazlo Gyorsok

Newsletter: Lazlo Gyorsok

Hospitality:Karen Consolago

Secretary:Denise Rueger

Competitions:Bert Schmitz

Salon Committee:
Brian Wilcox
Lazlo Gyorsok
Bill Devoti

Projector Coordinator: Brian Wilcox

Liaison Representatives: PSA - Jane Rossman NECCC - Bert Schmitz

Proud member of:


Our next show

Until further notice our monthly meetings at Noble Horizon are canceled . Hope to regroup with a new program for the Fall season. Our next show at the UCC Parish house has been posponed till the pandemic clears up. Till then, you can join our weekly Monday morning 10 o'clock Zoom meetings with David Rowley that are getting very popular. Please let Lazlo know if you are interested. Stay healthy and learn Photoshop:LearnItDude!


Both Jeff and Dawn are stepping down as Co-presidents of the camera club. The club is currently looking for one or more of our members to step in as President. There are several other committee positions open such as VP and Salon Committee. If interested in any of these positions, please let Jeff or Lazlo know

Assigned Topic

Assigned Topic for the next month will be: "Black and White"

Miles Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary by Dawn Dingee

“Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.”

Ansel Adams

Photography Tips

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

Dorothea Lange

Changes for the NECCC and PSA competitions by Bert Schmitz

I hope all members had a good summer with lots of great photographs that you will submit for the NECCC and PSA competitions this year. There are some changes for the competitions in this new season, the most important one is the bigger size of the images we can now submit.
Please read the changes below and start preparing your images. For NECCC and PSA competitions, images can now be 1400 pixels in the horizontal direction and 1050 pixels in the vertical direction. Photographs must fit within those dimensions.
Unless your photograph’s proportions are in the exact ratio of 4 to 3, one of these dimensions will be less than the maximum. For example, if you have a vertical photograph, the height will be 1050 pixels, but the width will be significantly less than 1400 pixels. A square photograph will be 1050 pixels by 1050 pixels under these rules. It is suggested (though not a requirement) that entries be saved with the proper amount of compression so that the file size does not exceed 800-1000 KB. If saving from Photoshop, a quality setting of between 7 and 9 is usually sufficient to produce a high quality file. Keeping the file size small makes e-mailing and handling easier. It is strongly suggested that all photographs be converted to the sRGB color space. That color space most closely approximates the capability of monitors and projectors to display color and usually results in the best presentation of your image.
By entering these competitions you give NECCC/PSA permission to reproduce your photographs in connection with the activities and publicity of the NECCC/PSA including display on the NECCC/PSA Internet site. The copyright, however, remains with the photographer and the photographer will receive credit when his/her photograph is used. If you object to this stipulation, please do not enter your photographs.
Once a photograph has been entered by the Housatonic Camera Club into a NECCC Interclub Competition (either pictorial or nature), it may never be entered again. Entering a photograph into the NECCC pictorial category means it may never be entered in the NECCC nature category; also, a photograph entered in the NECCC nature category may never be entered in the NECCC pictorial category. (Note: This rule is for photographs the Housatonic Camera Club sends out to the NECCC competitions, not for the in-house club competition.)
Photographs entered by the Housatonic Camera Club in the NECCC competition, can be also entered in the PSA competition.

Read the instructions how to resize for the web

Here is a short instructions on how to login and vote on the website.


A few pictures from the "Landscapes" assignment. Click on any one of the pictures to see them in full size.


View to the Stissing in winter by Jane Rossman

Barn reflection #1 by Steven Goldberg

Barn reflection #3 by Steven Goldberg

Abandone by Jane Rossman

Fieldscape by Jane Rossman

Cadillac Mountain by Lazlo Gyorsok

Damaraland in Namibia Morning Mist from Atlantic by Birgitt Pajarola

A long climb by John Landon

Summer hay by Jane Rossman

Georgetown, ME View to the Stissing in winter by Jane Rossman

Georgetown tranquallity by Jane Rossman

Rabbit Hill road corn field by Lazlo Gyorsok

The Namibian Desert from a Cessna Plane by Birgitt Pajarola

Barn reflection #2 by Steven Goldberg

Vietnam Landscape

Wintry road by Lazlo Gyorsok

View to the Stissing by Jane Rossman

From our Flickr site

Please, click on the images to see the bigger sizes and the slideshow !

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Webmaster/Newsletter Editor:Lazlo Gyorsok